Full Stack

Full Stack - System Domain

Full Stack

Explore our comprehensive Full Stack Application Development course, centered around Python, Flask, and React technologies. Gain in-depth insights and hands-on experience for mastering the art of building robust applications.

Course Details

1. Module

1. Introduction to Python
2. Python Data Structures
– Lists
– Dictionaries
– Strings
– Tuples
3. Modules in Python
– Creating applications using built-in modules
– Creating applications using third-party modules
4. Functions
– Developing functions in Python
– Creating your own module
– Overloading of functions
5. Object-Oriented Coding in Python
– Overriding the magic methods
– Understanding inheritance

2. Module – Backend Development: SQL

  1. Introduction to SQL
  2. Exploring Popular Technologies: SQLite3, MongoDB
  3. Database Creation and Table Setup
    • Understanding the Concept of Primary Key and Foreign Key
  4. Data Manipulation
    • Inserting Data into Tables using the INSERT Command
    • Fetching Data from Tables using the SELECT Command
    • Filtering Data using the WHERE Clause
  5. Understanding Joins in SQL

Module 3 – Backend Development: Flask

1. Understanding Flask and Its Importance
2. Flask vs. Other Frameworks (e.g., Django)
3. Building Your First Web Application with Flask
4. Implementing API Functionality
– Handling HTTP Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
5. Connecting with the Datastore
6. Implementing Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) with SQLAlchemy
7. Authentication and Authorization
8. Utilizing JWT Tokens for Security



Module 1 – Frontend Development: HTML and CSS

1. HTML and CSS Fundamentals

Module 2 – Frontend Development: JavaScript

1. Introduction to JavaScript
2. JavaScript vs TypeScript
3. Understanding NodeJS
4. Variable Declaration: let vs const
5. Functionality in JavaScript
– Writing Functions
– Exploring Arrow Functions
– Working with Arrays: map, filter, sort, for Each
6. Promises in JavaScript
7. Asynchronous Communication with async and await

Module 3 – Frontend Development: React

1. Introduction to React and Its Popularity
2. Building Your First React Application
3. Understanding React Hooks: useState and useEffect
4. React Routings
5. Data Retrieval from the Server
– Utilizing Fetch and Axios
6. Event Handling in React

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